Remembering Ahmed

Ustazah Nasreen’s  Dars on  her beloved Son Ahmed Zahid’s untimely demise.   May Allah place Ahmed in Jannat-ul-Firdos and strengthen Ustaza and her family with patience and Imaan.  Ameen

Those who are afflicted with loss of a loved one,  Please click below to listen  to Ustaza’s  Dars, for a fresh perspective on managing your heart break.    (لاتخاف لا تحزن  Don’t be Afraid,  Don’t Grieve!)

وَتَزَوَّدُوا فَإِنَّ خَيْرَ الزَّادِ التَّقْوَى   or Best Zad-e-Rah

Baitul Hamd

میرا پیارا احمد- اک مسافر تھا کچھ دیر ٹھرا یہاں

وَكَفِّرْ عَنَّا سَيِّئَاتِنَا وَتَوَفَّنَا مَعَ الأبْرَارِ,,,and remove from us our misdeeds and cause us to die with the righteous.

 Who will Open the door of Jannah for me?  (Must listen:- …A sweet ointment for heavy hearts burdened  with sorrow)