Monthly Archives: March 2023

Ramadan Mubarek 2024

Ramadan gift Baskets 2023
Dear valued recipients,
On behalf of Dar Ul Imaan, we extend our warmest greetings to you and your loved ones during this blessed Ramadan. It is an ideal time to enhance our Imaan, Taqwa, and engage in Dawah.
We are pleased to announce that Dar Ul Imaan has prepared exquisite ‘Ramadan Gift Baskets’ for both Muslims and non-Muslims. These thoughtfully curated baskets come with a beautifully crafted greeting card and a FAQ card for non-Muslims.
We encourage you to purchase these unique gift baskets and present them to your children’s teachers, colleagues, Muslim and non-Muslim friends, and neighbors. As ambassadors of Islam, it is our duty to spread the message of peace and foster interfaith relations during this auspicious time of year. Furthermore, it is an ideal opportunity to exchange gifts and engage in Dawah.
Each basket is priced at $25, and we are currently accepting orders for GTA and Toronto.
Please specify the number of baskets intended for Muslims or non-Muslims during the ordering process, as the card contents will differ accordingly.
If you would like to make a donation, you can do so via e-transfer to darulimaan.institute@gmail.com, or through our donation tab on our website. Please make sure to mention that your donation is intended for the baskets.
Once again, we wish you and your family a blessed Ramadan, and we thank you for your continued support.
Dar Ul Imaan

Ramadan Workshop for Kids 2023
{رَمَضَانُ غَيْثُ الْقُلُوب سیریز}
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
This Course is Essential for Instilling in Children the Importance and Love for Ramadan.
- Taqwa – Piety
- Shukr – Gratitude
- Sabr – Patience
- And of course with lots of Fun filled activities
- Crafts and more.
- Pizza Party at the completion of course
Boys and Girls Ages 4 yrs to 11 year. Girls 12 yrs and above are welcome
Saturday March 11, 2023, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Fee :
Registration Open:
*Online Registration *
*On site Registration *
For any inquiries

Ramadan, A Relief of hearts (رَمَضَانُ غَيْثُ الْقُلُوب)
Darulimaan Institute presents
- Duration : 30 days
- Start date : March 7, 2023
- End Date : Friday April 9, 2023
- Days : weekdays in Shabaan and daily in Ramadan
- Starting time : 12:30 pm EST