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اَسْلَمْتُ – I Submit

Ustadha Nasreen Nazar’s

Tour to Melbourne Australia


A special Lecture Series in Urdu

The Big Court Day

Audio Player

You Are Nothing But a Number of Days

Audio Player

Allah Is With Us

Audio Player

The Coolness of My Eyes

Audio Player

Will Allah Forgive Me ?

Audio Player

What Can We Do For Our Deceased Loved Ones

Audio Player

The People Of The Cave

Audio Player

You Don’t Even Understand Me

Audio Player

Forgive Others, Allah Will Forgive You

Audio Player


Selected Urdu Lectures

  Lecture One: Let’s Plan the Islamic New Year

Lecture Two: The Rights of Children in Islam

Audio Player

Lecture Three: Children’s Upbringing – The Islamic Way

Audio Player
Lecture Four: The Gates of Paradise
Audio Player
Lecture Five: Greatest Parents in the world

Audio Player

Lecture Six: Finding Inner peace
Audio Player
Lecture Seven: Finding Inner peace and Happiness
Audio Player
Lecture Eight: What Next  after achieving this world ?
Audio Player

Lecture Nine: Respect Your Children Part 1

Audio Player

Lecture Nine: Respect Your Children Part 2

Audio Player

Kanz-ul-Quran Noora Sadree

Darulimaan Institute
“New Online Kanz-ul-Quran Course for YOUTH

9-13 Kanz-ul-Quran Noora’a Sadree

Starting April 1st 2017

Enjoy the ease of learning the Quran in the comfort of your homes.  This Course offers the study of the whole Quran with translation, root words and Tafseer in English.

For more information email

KunzulQuran RQ

Darulimaan Institute
“New Online Kanz-ul-Quran Course for YOUTH

BOYS & GIRLS 14 and up Kanz-ul-Quran Rabee’a Qalbee

Starting April 1st 2017

Enjoy the ease of learning Quran in the comfort of your homes.  This Course offers the study of  complete Quran with translation, root words and Tafseer in English.

For more information email

Remembering Ahmed

Ustazah Nasreen’s  Dars on  her beloved Son Ahmed Zahid’s untimely demise.   May Allah place Ahmed in Jannat-ul-Firdos and strengthen Ustaza and her family with patience and Imaan.  Ameen

Those who are afflicted with loss of a loved one,  Please click below to listen  to Ustaza’s  Dars, for a fresh perspective on managing your heart break.    (لاتخاف لا تحزن  Don’t be Afraid,  Don’t Grieve!)

وَتَزَوَّدُوا فَإِنَّ خَيْرَ الزَّادِ التَّقْوَى   or Best Zad-e-Rah

Baitul Hamd

میرا پیارا احمد- اک مسافر تھا کچھ دیر ٹھرا یہاں

وَكَفِّرْ عَنَّا سَيِّئَاتِنَا وَتَوَفَّنَا مَعَ الأبْرَارِ,,,and remove from us our misdeeds and cause us to die with the righteous.

 Who will Open the door of Jannah for me?  (Must listen:- …A sweet ointment for heavy hearts burdened  with sorrow)





Takmeel-e-quran dua

Dear Sisters,
We pray that you are in the best of health, and Imaan.
The blessed days of Ramadan are visiting us once again: The significance of this month is due to the revelation of Quran by most merciful Allah: During Ramadan, we strengthen our bond with our creator through his book by reading, understanding and implementing its message and ideology in our lives. In accordance to this sunnah, DarulImaan will also be completing Daura-e-Quran shortly at two different locations Masshallah.

You are therefore, graciously invited to join Takmeel-e-Daura-e-Quran Ramadan 1437 AH/2016 Dua.
This is a women’s only event.

Saturday July 2nd, 2016

Place: Shalimar Community Centre

3024 Cedarglen Gate,Mississauga

Time : 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm ( Zuhr time: 1:40 pm )

Please come with your family and friends to join in the Dua to seek Allah’s forgiveness and blessings.

This program will also be available online on WizIQ. , In sha Allah the link will be emailed soon

DUI Team

Darulimaan’s new property

Dear Darulimaan Patrons
please take a walk through the new property recently acquired by Darulimaan
through your generous donations and with the help of gracious Allah (S.W.T).
Darulimaan’ new property (click it)

Is the reward for good [anything] but good? هَلْ جَزَاءُ الْإِحْسَانِ إِلَّا الْإِحْسَانُ
So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny? فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ

This is how Allah puts barkah in everything which is done for his pleasure.
May he bless this house, Darulimaan and all its patrons. Ameen.
Thank you


Welcome Ramadan

A lecture by Ustadha Nasreen Nazar

Audio Player

More related lectures :-

Etiquettes of Fastingروزے کے آداب

Ramadan and its effects on my life رمضان المبارك آور ميرى زندگى

Ramdan and Womenرمضان المبارك آور خواتين

روزوں کی قدر و قیمت اور اسکا صلہ- حدیث  .کیلی فور نیا




Spring break

As per Darulimaan’s Policy, we will not be conducting classes during the holidays (march break). There will be no classes for all the courses from Monday 14th march till Sunday 20th march.
Classes will resume from Monday 21st March.
 Please note that the Youth class has their own schedule and will continue to conduct classes during march break
During the holidays please complete your pending work, Homework or missed lessons.
Enjoy the break.

LD Hw Assignments 101 102

Important Instructions:

Please submit your homework as a pdf file.
Please make sure when you scan it, you save it as a multiple page file so that the end result should be an accumulation of all you pages submitted as one pdf file
HW 1  
1. Write  letters from Alif to Yaa and indicate if they are Mufakhum,  Muraqaq and  their Harkaat (how long to stretch them)
1. Write letters form Alif to Yaa and indicate their makharij and title (Alqaab)
2. Draw a picture of lissan (tongue) and label its different parts
3. Draw a picture of all the teeth and label their names
HW 3
1. Give example for Tafkheem Muratib for all Tafkhem letters form Quran
you can refer to the chart on page 16 of tajweed book to complete your homework in that fashion. You cannot use the same example as in the charts
HW 4
1.Memorize all  5 sift-e Lazma and their letter groups.
2. Make a chart and indicate the following for each letter:
  • Letter, makhraj, saffat and one example from Quran
HW 5
1. Write  safat-lazma of all  sakin haroof in Surah Fatiha.
Submission cutoff date is March 16, 2016 9pm
After submission cutoff date students can look their fellow students homework if they like to do so.

KCFA is postponed until further notice

Knowledge calls for action

لسلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
 ‘Knowledge Calls for Action’  program is postponed due to a few unavoidable circumstances.
ان شاء الله  You will be informed as  soon as it schedules to resumes. 
All previous Dars are available on the main page of our website under the heading “Audio” -> “Knowledge calls for action”
DI Team.

Lehne Dawoodi 103 Level 1

Lehne Dawoodi 103    level -1

The Third group of Lehne Dawoodi will commence on FRIDAY  Feb 19th, 2016,    11:00am — 1:00 pm (Toronto time)  InshaAllah.

Regular classes are scheduled for  every Thrusday from Feb 25th,  2016,   11:00am–1:00pm

please add our id  — lehnedawoodi103
  Insturctions before coming to class :
1) Please register yourself in Lehnedawoodi course on website .
2) Get a printout of first chapter of Tajweed book from website for tomorrow class.
 3) Read Ustazah  notes .
4) Class will be on Skype from 11:00am to1:00pm
5)  A request from Skype has been sent to you, please add it to your contacts.
 jazakAllah khair
  LDC  Team

Ustaza’s Comments Lehne Dawoodi

ميری بہت پياری بہنوں
               السلام عليکم ورحمة الله
آپکو بہت بہت مبارک هو کل آپ کا تجويد کی کلاس کا پہلا دن هے ۔ يه آپ کی زندگی کا بہت اہم اور سنهرا دن ہےآپ اپنی خوش قسمتی په جتنا بهی ناز کريں کم هے ۔
    چند اهم ھدايات
 •           اخلاص نيت
 •          شوق علم
 •           معلمۃ کا عزت و احترام
 •          کلاس فیلوں کے ساتھ تعاون و محبت
 •           وقت کی پابندی
 •          گهر کا کام مکمل کرنا
 •          باقاعدگی
 •          ویب سائٹ پر لحن داؤدی صفحے
            پر شرکت اور ہدایات کا مطالعه
 •           ای میل کا جواب دینا
•          Use of what’s app
            ايک دفعه سوچ سمجھ کر کلاس کا آغاز کریں اور واپسی کی کشتیاں جلا دیں ۔
شروع کرنا اور پهر پیچهے ھٹنا ایک مومن کی
شان نهیں هے دارالایمان نے بہت سوچ سمجھ
کر اپ کو منتخب کیا هے اب اپ کے پاس دو هی راستے ھیں۔
ابهی آغاز ھی میں معذرت ، درمیان میں چھوڑنے سےبہت بہتر هے۔
     ( 2
شروع کرنے کے بعد خوب محنت کریں۔ اور پیچهے مڑ کر ديکهنے کا خیال بهی دل سے نکال دیں۔
 بھت شکریه
   اپ سے اپنے بھت پیارے الله تعالی کی خاطر
     محبت کرنے والی 
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Lehne Dawoodi

Lehne Dawoodi 

 وكلا اتينا حكما وعلما وسخرنا مع داوود الجبال يسبحن والطير وكنا فاعلين

And We subjected the mountains to exalt [Us], along with David and [also] the birds. (Al-Anbya:79)

 ورتل القران ترتيلا

‘And recite the Qur’an in slow measured rhythmic tone’  73:4

Course Introduction

This course is designed to  develops basic pronunciation skills of Arabic language, focusing mainly on Makhaarij and Tajweed rules for  proper Quranic recitation.    The first semester consists of 6 -8 months. This course is an absolute must,  for any  Muslim, who wishes to enrich her life with  serene  and melodious recitation of Quran.


1. Tajweed book compiled by Shanaz Kausar (12 chapters first semester)
2. Salat, Duas and Juz Amma will be practiced
3. exam after each chapter written/oral


       Ustazah’s comments

MUST READ Just click




Knowledge calls for action Intro

Introductory class

Dar-ul-imaan invites you to its  introductory session for a new class “Knowledge calls for action”.

Its mandatory for every student (new and old)   to attend this session so they become familiar with its concept, goals and vision.

Your valuable suggestions would help us refine it further.

Looking forward to meeting you on  ….

Day: Thursday Nov 5

Time : 10:00 am.

Place : 5129 Nestling Grove, Mississauga.

For directions you may call :

                                            Sr.Rubina Fazal —905-488-6082 or
                                            Sr.Tahira Ali ——-416-454-9809

Rabeea Qalbee wa Noora Sadree

Rabee’a Qalbee wa Noora’a Sadree   is a continuation of the  3 year  Diploma Course  for Youth in English,  initiated on Jan  2014. The Course started with two separate classes with  two  different age groups (NS 9-13 yrs and RQ 14-yrs and up ) to help teach the Root words,  Word to Word Meaning, and  concepts of Quran specifically targeted for their  level of understanding. Having successfully completed  1/3rd of the Quran so far, darulimaan team of teachers feel that the children are at the level where the   two Classes can be merged to  continue the lessons at a moderate pace for accommodation of both age groups.

lessons will include Tafseer  with supporting Ahadith and memorization of last juz.

One time registration fee $20,  monthly fee $35.


Arabic Grammar (level 2)

And We have certainly made the Qur’an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember? [AL-Qamar 17]

Learn Arabic as you learn (memorize) the Qur’an   (Ubayy Ibn Ka’b‘ Musannaf’)

A six month Arabic grammar course Level 2. This course will be taught by Ustaza Nasreen Nazar and will be conducted live via on-line classrooms.  Completion of Arabic grammar course level 1 is a prerequisite  for registration into this course.

The registration fee is $20 and monthly fee is $25

Click here to enroll or access the course files

Arabic Grammar Course

And We have certainly made the Qur’an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember? [AL-Qamar 17]

Learn Arabic as you learn (memorize) the Qur’an   (Ubayy Ibn Ka’b‘ Musannaf’)

A six month Arabic grammar course specifically designed to introduce grammar to Non-Arabs.  This course will be taught by Ustaza Nasreen Nazar to be conducted live via on-line classrooms.  It is designed to untanggle complex sentence structures into easy and recognizeable form for an eaiser  understanding of Arabic Quran.

This course has a one time Registration fee of $20 and monthly fee of $25

Click here to enrol or access the course files

Tazkeer-ul-Quran 2 year Diploma course

This course involves a detailed study of the meanings of the Quran so that you can ponder and reflect upon its verses; something that the Quran has suggested at numerous places. This requires one to deliberate upon the commandments with concentration, analyzing different aspects and understanding what each of the verses is demanding from its reader.

This course has a one-time enrollment fee of $20 and $50  monthly fee.

Click here to enroll or access the course files

Taleem-ul-Quran 1 year Diploma course

وَمَا كَانَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ لِيَنفِرُوا كَافَّةً ۚ فَلَوْلَا نَفَرَ مِن كُلِّ فِرْقَةٍ مِّنْهُمْ طَائِفَةٌ لِّيَتَفَقَّهُوا فِي الدِّينِ وَلِيُنذِرُوا قَوْمَهُمْ إِذَا رَجَعُوا إِلَيْهِمْ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَحْذَرُونَ

And it is not for the believers to go forth all at once. For there should separate from every division of them a group [remaining] to obtain understanding in the religion and warn their people when they return to them that they might be cautious. [At-Tawbah:122]

A journey that will take you through the endless joys and riches of the words that your Creator and Lord has sent to you and all mankind….Find a world of untold treasures of knowledge and wisdom to guide you on the pathways of life, to mould your thoughts and actions…..Find deep insights to enrich you and steer you along the right course…

This course has a $20 one-time enrollment fee of $50 monthly fee.

Click here to enroll or access the course files

Seerat-e-Rasool (PBUH) Course

لَقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِي رَسُولِ اللَّهِ أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ لِمَنْ كَانَ يَرْجُو اللَّهَ وَالْيَوْمَ الْآَخِرَ وَذَكَرَ

اللَّهَ كَثِيرًا

This course is designed  to understand the way of life by  examples of Prophet Muhammad SAWS Sunnah.  Our aim is to compare and contrast our lives with his, and his companion’s actions in order to gain a better understanding of our deen.   Furthermore this course will help us to assess our position in life and help us assimilate Sunnah into our own daily practices.   In-sha-Allah

This course has a one time fee of 150 dollars.

Click here to enroll or access the course files

Noora’a Sadree

Noora Sadree is designed for young childern ages 9-13.  It is a 3 year course but can also be taken for few semester, without completion (not recommended).  It focuses on teaching Quran, word meanings and memorizing last juz with meaning. Children will also learn proper recitation of  Quran with Tajweed. Its a great way to develop a life long relationship with Allah’s Aya’s as the childern understand the last juz and read it by memory  in their prayers  througout their lives.  One time registration fee $20,  monthly fee $35

Click here to enroll or access the course files

Rabee’a Qalbee

Rabeea Qalbee is dedicated for childern 14 year and older.  It is a 3 year couses teaching 10 juz a year.  It will cover word meanings, explanation with  supporting ahadith and memorization of last Juz. Students will also learn proper recitation of  Quran with Tajweed. It is an incredible way to introduce your child to religion and his creator through solid understanding of  love, appreciation and Awe.  One time registration fee $20,  monthly fee $35

Click here to enroll or access the course files

Baab-ur-Rayyan Course

Ramadan is an announcement to make your entire life like the life of a fasting person. To welcome this guest with honor is what our Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) practiced. The Baab-ur-Rayyan Course is an attempt to plan the month of Ramadan according to the guidance from all the important ahadith that are related fasting – taken from a book of Ahadith compiled by Ustazah Nasreen Nazar titled Baab-ur-Rayyan.

Click here to enroll or access the course files

La-Tusrifu 103

أَسْتَوْدِعُ اللَّهَ دِينَكَ وَأَمَانَتَكَ وَخَوَاتِيمَ عَمَلِكَ
“(I make) Allah responsible for your deen, your trustworthiness and for the results of your actions”.


This is a highly requested course initiated by DIHFA with an objective to educate and motivate women towards a healthy life style by maintaining ideal body weight, enhancing beauty and health, to create an abundance of happiness and confidence in their lives. This is the third course in a series of courses which are to follow. Inshallah.

Click here to enroll or access the course files

New Website Launch

We will be launching new website for darulimaan institute on July 1st, 2015.  please stay tuned and we apologize if some of the functions don’t work.  we are in a process of moving the new website to our server that may cause few glitches before we launch it.thanks for your patience.Darulimaan Team


We are up and running !