Ramadan Workshop 2024 -Australia

Dar Ul Imaan Institute Melbourne Presents



Learn about Ramadan in an interactive and engaging environment with fun filled activities. 

Date : Saturday, 17 Feb, 2024
Time : 12:00PM – 3:00PM
Ages : Children 5 -12  |  Youth 13 & up (boys & Girls)

Registration Fees : $5 per child

Venue: Australian Youth Community Centre (AYCC)
2/13 Hammer Ct, Hoppers Crossing VIC 3029, Australia
For more info contact
Nosheen Yasir 0484 234 801  | Fariha Raheel 0432 693 460
Register now | Limited spaces

Workshop Registration End date was Feb 23, 2024


EiD Celebrations

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Our beloved youth and kids ( Boys and Girls )
Come join us for a day of celebration with food, games and some talk with Br. Muaaz Zahid.

Let’s celebrate Eid on Saturday April 29 from 12:00 noon onwards at Dar Ul Imaan Institute,
8627 Mississauga rd, Brampton ON L6Y 0C1

Looking forward to meet you in a fun filled environment.

Dar ul Imaan team.

Gems of Az Zumr leture series

Lesson #1


Lesson #2


Lesson #3


Lesson #4


Lesson #5


Lesson #6


Lesson #7


Lesson #8

Ramadan gift Baskets 2023

Dear valued recipients,

On behalf of Dar Ul Imaan, we extend our warmest greetings to you and your loved ones during this blessed Ramadan. It is an ideal time to enhance our Imaan, Taqwa, and engage in Dawah.

We are pleased to announce that Dar Ul Imaan has prepared exquisite ‘Ramadan Gift Baskets’ for both Muslims and non-Muslims. These thoughtfully curated baskets come with a beautifully crafted greeting card and a FAQ card for non-Muslims.

We encourage you to purchase these unique gift baskets and present them to your children’s teachers, colleagues, Muslim and non-Muslim friends, and neighbors. As ambassadors of Islam, it is our duty to spread the message of peace and foster interfaith relations during this auspicious time of year. Furthermore, it is an ideal opportunity to exchange gifts and engage in Dawah.

Each basket is priced at $25, and we are currently accepting orders for GTA and Toronto.

Please specify the number of baskets intended for Muslims or non-Muslims during the ordering process, as the card contents will differ accordingly.

If you would like to make a donation, you can do so via e-transfer to darulimaan.institute@gmail.com, or through our donation tab on our website. Please make sure to mention that your donation is intended for the baskets.

Once again, we wish you and your family a blessed Ramadan, and we thank you for your continued support.


Dar Ul Imaan


Ramadan Workshop 2023 Registration

Darulimaan Ramadan Workshop 2023

Darulimaan Ramadan Workshop 2023

Step 1 of 9

  • Student Information

    Please Provide Student information.
    You can apply for up to three children using this one Application form. if number of children are greater than 3, please fill out for the remaining children in separate Application form.
    Fee Structure:
    Fee : $25/ child
  • ...

Qiraat Ul Quran Registration form

Qira'at Ul Quran youth Registration

Fill out the Registration Form below

Step 1 of 3


Weekend school registration form

Darulimaan Weekend Islamic School Registration

Step 1 of 9

  • Student Information

    Please Provide Student information.
    You can apply for up to three children using this one Application form. if number of children are greater than 3, please fill out for the remaining children in separate Application form.
  • ...


Eid Ul Adha 2022 Party

Assalamualaikum Dear Sisters,

Darulimaan institute has planned an Eid party 🎉 for women

Saturday , July 16  at 11:00 am

Dar Ul Imaan Institute : 8627 Mississauga Rd.

Bring a dish of meat (preferably Qurbani meat) for the party.


RSVP at 647-975-8865

JazakAllah khair

Dar Ul Imaan Admin


Summer Camp 2022

First Come First Serve

Summer Camp 2022

Duration :July 4 to Aug 4

Monday to Thursday

Time 10:00 am to 2:00 pm


  • 1st Child : $250
  • 2nd child : $240
  • 3rd child : $235
  • Course Material and Field trip charges extra

Open House for parents on  Sunday June 19, 2022 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

To Register fill in the Form below

Darulimaan Summer camp 2022

Registration Form

Step 1 of 9

  • Student Information

    Please Provide Student information.
    You can apply for up to three children using this one Application form. if number of children are greater than 3, please fill out for the remaining children in separate Application form.
  • ...

Daura-e-Tafseer-ul-Quran 2022

Assalamoalaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,
Let’s Welcome Ramadan with a high spirit and motivation. We are blessed that we have opportunity of ONLINE LIVE Daurah Tafseer ul Quran by our respected Ustadah Nasreen Nazar .

⭐️6:00 am (AEDT)(Melbourne,Aus)
⭐️3:00pm (EST)(Toronto,Canada)(NY,USA)
⭐️ 12:00 pm(California )
⭐️12:00 am(PST)Pakistan
⭐️11:00 pm (GST) UAE
⭐️8:00 pm (UTC) UK
Don’t forget to share and remind friends and family about it.
See you soon on Facebook and YouTube, in shaa Allah.

Ramadan Workshop 2022 Registration

Darulimaan Ramadan Workshop 2022

Workshop Registration Form

Step 1 of 9

  • Student Information

    Please Provide Student information.
    You can apply for up to three children using this one Application form. if number of children are greater than 3, please fill out for the remaining children in separate Application form.
  • ...

Best Of The Best: Sahaba Series

Ramadan Prep 2021

Ramadan To-Do List


Ramadan Checklis

Interesting Ramadan Lectures 


Etiquettes of Fasting  -روزے کے آداب
Ramadan and its effect on my Life رمضان المبارك آور ميرى زندگى
Ramadan and Women    رمضان المبارك آور خواتين
Value of Fasting روزوں-کی-قدر-و-قیمت-اور-اسکا-صلہ-حدیث




Valentines day

The Reality of Valentine’s Day

Why can’t  Muslims celebrated Valentine’s day ?   Isn’t  it all about love! What’s the big deal?

Valentine’s day’s message is good.  In fact Islam teaches this very concept in Surah Ar-Rum:

“And among His signs is that He has created for you, of yourselves, spouses (azwaj), that you may feel tranquility and relief (taskunu) in her and (He) has set love and mercy between you. There are signs in this for a people who reflect” (30:21).

But the creation of valentine’s day is rooted in a Roman pagan tradition  and the Quran warns us about following traditions blindly

When they are told, “Follow what GOD has revealed herein,” they say, “We follow only what we found our parents doing.” What if their parents did not understand, and were not guided? The example of such disbelievers is that of parrots who repeat what they hear of sounds and calls, without understanding. Deaf, dumb, and blind; they cannot understand. [2:170-171]  

“Verily my happiness is my imaan and verily my imaan is in my heart and verily my heart doesn’t belong to anyone but Allah.” – ASMAA BINT ABUBAKR

 Learn about the truth of Valentine’s day and what Islam teaches us regarding love! 

Audio Player

Diamond Dua Series 2020

Diamond Dua series:

Daura-e-Quran 2020 (Live)

JUZ 1 – Qalb-e-Saleem قلبِ سلیم

JUZ 2 – Taqwa: Key to Success

JUZ 3 – The Reality of Imaan

JUZ 4 – Staying Persistent

JUZ 5 – Social Justice and Mercy

JUZ 6 – Fulfillment of Promise

JUZ 7 – Pure Tauheed for Allah

JUZ 8 – Struggle between Right and Wrong

JUZ 9 -Struggle between Right and Wrong (Continued)

JUZ 10 – Repentance

JUZ 11 – Faith in Devine Destiny (Part A)

JUZ 11 – Faith in Devine Destiny (Part B)

JUZ 12 – Being Patient and Steadfast

JUZ 13 -The Power of Truth and the Blessing of Faith

JUZ 14 – Thanking Allah for his Blessings

JUZ 15 – The Value of Imaan

JUZ 16- The Blessing of Islam for next Generation

JUZ 17 – Who is Our Role Model

JUZ 18 – Allah is the Light

JUZ 19 – How to deliver the message of Islam

JUZ 20 – Trials leads to Success

JUZ 21 – Surrender to Allah

JUZ 22 – Why we Surrender to Allah

JUZ 23 – Sincerity in surrender

JUZ 24 – Standing for the Truth

JUZ 25 – Valuing the Quran

JUZ 26 – How to Build a Relationship with the Prophet

JUZ 27 – Revival of Faith

Laila-tul-Qadar Dua

JUZ 28 – Focusing on our Relationship with Allah

JUZ 29 – The Call to Allah

JUZ 30 – Are You Ready to Meet Your Lord? (PART 1)

JUZ 30 – Are You Ready to Meet Your Lord? (Part 2)

REFLECTIONS From The Heart (Part 1)

REFLECTIONS From The Heart (Part 2)

Finding calm during stressful times

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

Darulimaan institute presents
“ Finding calm during the times of Stress”

An online multiple day Seminar in English for Youth.

Having faith in Allah, Quranic Tafseer, Ramadan Preparation and Dua Memorization.

Taught by Sr Afshan Khwaja

Starting on March 23, with Surah Yusuf

It will be conducted 3 days a week till end of Ramadan.

Monday and Wednesday:
2:00 -3:00 pm
Tafseer of Select Surahs.

Thursday : 2:00 pm -3:00 pm
Lectures, Ramadan Preparation and Dua Memorization.

For Youth boys and girls age 12 yrs and up.

This Seminar is FREE

The link to join the seminar will be sent on Darulimaan’s whatsapp DUI Trust in Allah
Join the room by clicking on following link

جزاك الله خيراكثير



Surah Yusuf Lecture 1

Surah Yusuf Lecture 2

Surah Yusuf Lecture 3

Surah Yusuf Lecture 4

Surah Yusuf Lecture 5

Surah Yusuf Lecture 6

Surah Yusuf Lecture 7

Surah Yusuf Lecture 8

Surah Yusuf Lecture 9

Surah An-Nur

 Dar-ul-Imaan Institute Presents:-


Presented by Ustadha Nasreen Nazar

(Founder and principal of Dar-ul-imaan Institute)

Surah Yusuf

Dar-ul-Imaan Institute Presents:-

The Pearls Of Surah Yusuf

How to reflect the understanding of Surah Yusuf in our personal lives.

Presented by Ustadha Nasreen Nazar(Founder and principal of Dar-ul-imaan Institute)

Ramadan Food Drive


Ramdhan Food Drive

   Abu Hurayra (Radiyallahu Anhu) narrated:  Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) said “When a man dies his acts come to an end except for three, recurring:  Charity, Knowledge (which benefits the humanity) and Pious children, who pray for him”

1.  Who benefits from my Donation?
Answer:  Each penny you donate is used to feed the low income families.
2.  What should I donate?
Answer:  You can donate money using our online services.We accept bank transfer, checks, Paypal and credit card.  Click Here


Locally you can donate money as well as non-perishable items from the list.

3. Does Darulimaan have a Tax Exempt ID?
Answer:  Yes.  Darulimaan Institute holds a Non-profit Charitable Status and has a Tax Exempt ID.

Selected Urdu Lectures

  Lecture One: Let’s Plan the Islamic New Year

Lecture Two: The Rights of Children in Islam

Audio Player

Lecture Three: Children’s Upbringing – The Islamic Way

Audio Player

Lecture Four: The Gates of Paradise

Audio Player

Lecture Five: Greatest Parents in the world

Audio Player


Lecture Six: Finding Inner peace

Audio Player

Lecture Seven: Finding Inner peace and Happiness

Audio Player

Lecture Eight: What Next  after achieving this world ?

Audio Player

Lecture Nine: Respect Your Children Part 1

Audio Player

Lecture Nine: Respect Your Children Part 2

Audio Player

Takmeel-e-quran dua

Dear Sisters,
We pray that you are in the best of health, and Imaan.
The blessed days of Ramadan are visiting us once again: The significance of this month is due to the revelation of Quran by most merciful Allah: During Ramadan, we strengthen our bond with our creator through his book by reading, understanding and implementing its message and ideology in our lives. In accordance to this sunnah, DarulImaan will also be completing Daura-e-Quran shortly at two different locations Masshallah.

You are therefore, graciously invited to join Takmeel-e-Daura-e-Quran Ramadan 1437 AH/2016 Dua.
This is a women’s only event.

Saturday July 2nd, 2016

Place: Shalimar Community Centre

3024 Cedarglen Gate,Mississauga

Time : 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm ( Zuhr time: 1:40 pm )

Please come with your family and friends to join in the Dua to seek Allah’s forgiveness and blessings.

This program will also be available online on WizIQ. , In sha Allah the link will be emailed soon

DUI Team

Darulimaan’s new property

Dear Darulimaan Patrons
please take a walk through the new property recently acquired by Darulimaan
through your generous donations and with the help of gracious Allah (S.W.T).
Darulimaan’ new property (click it)

Is the reward for good [anything] but good? هَلْ جَزَاءُ الْإِحْسَانِ إِلَّا الْإِحْسَانُ
So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny? فَبِأَيِّ آلَاءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ

This is how Allah puts barkah in everything which is done for his pleasure.
May he bless this house, Darulimaan and all its patrons. Ameen.
Thank you

Ustaza’s Comments Lehne Dawoodi

ميری بہت پياری بہنوں
               السلام عليکم ورحمة الله
آپکو بہت بہت مبارک هو کل آپ کا تجويد کی کلاس کا پہلا دن هے ۔ يه آپ کی زندگی کا بہت اہم اور سنهرا دن ہےآپ اپنی خوش قسمتی په جتنا بهی ناز کريں کم هے ۔
    چند اهم ھدايات
 •           اخلاص نيت
 •          شوق علم
 •           معلمۃ کا عزت و احترام
 •          کلاس فیلوں کے ساتھ تعاون و محبت
 •           وقت کی پابندی
 •          گهر کا کام مکمل کرنا
 •          باقاعدگی
 •          ویب سائٹ پر لحن داؤدی صفحے
            پر شرکت اور ہدایات کا مطالعه
 •           ای میل کا جواب دینا
•          Use of what’s app
            ايک دفعه سوچ سمجھ کر کلاس کا آغاز کریں اور واپسی کی کشتیاں جلا دیں ۔
شروع کرنا اور پهر پیچهے ھٹنا ایک مومن کی
شان نهیں هے دارالایمان نے بہت سوچ سمجھ
کر اپ کو منتخب کیا هے اب اپ کے پاس دو هی راستے ھیں۔
ابهی آغاز ھی میں معذرت ، درمیان میں چھوڑنے سےبہت بہتر هے۔
     ( 2
شروع کرنے کے بعد خوب محنت کریں۔ اور پیچهے مڑ کر ديکهنے کا خیال بهی دل سے نکال دیں۔
 بھت شکریه
   اپ سے اپنے بھت پیارے الله تعالی کی خاطر
     محبت کرنے والی 
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Lehne Dawoodi

Lehne Dawoodi 

 وكلا اتينا حكما وعلما وسخرنا مع داوود الجبال يسبحن والطير وكنا فاعلين

And We subjected the mountains to exalt [Us], along with David and [also] the birds. (Al-Anbya:79)

 ورتل القران ترتيلا

‘And recite the Qur’an in slow measured rhythmic tone’  73:4

Course Introduction

This course is designed to  develops basic pronunciation skills of Arabic language, focusing mainly on Makhaarij and Tajweed rules for  proper Quranic recitation.    The first semester consists of 6 -8 months. This course is an absolute must,  for any  Muslim, who wishes to enrich her life with  serene  and melodious recitation of Quran.


1. Tajweed book compiled by Shanaz Kausar (12 chapters first semester)
2. Salat, Duas and Juz Amma will be practiced
3. exam after each chapter written/oral


       Ustazah’s comments

MUST READ Just click




Taleem-ul-Quran 1 year Diploma course

وَمَا كَانَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ لِيَنفِرُوا كَافَّةً ۚ فَلَوْلَا نَفَرَ مِن كُلِّ فِرْقَةٍ مِّنْهُمْ طَائِفَةٌ لِّيَتَفَقَّهُوا فِي الدِّينِ وَلِيُنذِرُوا قَوْمَهُمْ إِذَا رَجَعُوا إِلَيْهِمْ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَحْذَرُونَ

And it is not for the believers to go forth all at once. For there should separate from every division of them a group [remaining] to obtain understanding in the religion and warn their people when they return to them that they might be cautious. [At-Tawbah:122]

A journey that will take you through the endless joys and riches of the words that your Creator and Lord has sent to you and all mankind….Find a world of untold treasures of knowledge and wisdom to guide you on the pathways of life, to mould your thoughts and actions…..Find deep insights to enrich you and steer you along the right course…

This course has a $20 one-time enrollment fee of $50 monthly fee.

Click here to enroll or access the course files

Noora’a Sadree

Noora Sadree is designed for young childern ages 9-13.  It is a 3 year course but can also be taken for few semester, without completion (not recommended).  It focuses on teaching Quran, word meanings and memorizing last juz with meaning. Children will also learn proper recitation of  Quran with Tajweed. Its a great way to develop a life long relationship with Allah’s Aya’s as the childern understand the last juz and read it by memory  in their prayers  througout their lives.  One time registration fee $20,  monthly fee $35

Click here to enroll or access the course files

Rabee’a Qalbee

Rabeea Qalbee is dedicated for childern 14 year and older.  It is a 3 year couses teaching 10 juz a year.  It will cover word meanings, explanation with  supporting ahadith and memorization of last Juz. Students will also learn proper recitation of  Quran with Tajweed. It is an incredible way to introduce your child to religion and his creator through solid understanding of  love, appreciation and Awe.  One time registration fee $20,  monthly fee $35

Click here to enroll or access the course files

Baab-ur-Rayyan Course

Ramadan is an announcement to make your entire life like the life of a fasting person. To welcome this guest with honor is what our Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) practiced. The Baab-ur-Rayyan Course is an attempt to plan the month of Ramadan according to the guidance from all the important ahadith that are related fasting – taken from a book of Ahadith compiled by Ustazah Nasreen Nazar titled Baab-ur-Rayyan.

Click here to enroll or access the course files

La-Tusrifu 103

أَسْتَوْدِعُ اللَّهَ دِينَكَ وَأَمَانَتَكَ وَخَوَاتِيمَ عَمَلِكَ
“(I make) Allah responsible for your deen, your trustworthiness and for the results of your actions”.


This is a highly requested course initiated by DIHFA with an objective to educate and motivate women towards a healthy life style by maintaining ideal body weight, enhancing beauty and health, to create an abundance of happiness and confidence in their lives. This is the third course in a series of courses which are to follow. Inshallah.

Click here to enroll or access the course files